donderdag 23 oktober 2014

Cadence and Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Shimmer Pony's

Rainbow Shimmer Princess Cadance BrushableRainbow Shimmer Twilight Sparkle Brushable
Turns out that Amazon has listed the Rainbow Shimmer Princess Cadance and Twilight Sparkle, which means that we now finally have some stock images as well! These are just the second wave of the Rainbow Shimmer Ponies, we had Princess Celestia and Luna Before. It's quite strange that Amazon has listed them now since Twilight Sparkle and Cadance already have been found in stores in the Philippines. It could be just a local seller that got their hands on then. A well, they are listed on Amazon right now, but they don't have any other information yet besides the images. i will of course let you know when i find out more!

Rainbow Shimmer Princess Cadance BrushableRainbow Shimmer Twilight Sparkle Brushable

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